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2023-03-06 12:34:26 +01:00
#!/bin/env python3
# Pleroma2nip05: Server nip05 users for Pleroma users
# AGPL v3.0 or later licensed
# Copyright (C) Taurix IT 2023
import json
from flask import Flask, jsonify
import yaml
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extras
__VERSION__ = '0.5'
app = Flask('app')
print("Pleroma2nip05 v%s" % (__VERSION__))
with open(r'/etc/pleroma2nip05/config.yml') as configfile:
config = yaml.load(configfile, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
# https://<domain>/.well-known/nostr.json
# {
# "names": {
# "bob": "b0635d6a9851d3aed0cd6c495b282167acf761729078d975fc341b22650b07b9"
# },
# "relays": {
# "b0635d6a9851d3aed0cd6c495b282167acf761729078d975fc341b22650b07b9": [ "wss://", "wss://" ]
# }
# }
# {"names":{"gvs":"eb2881406ad19ba7cf01c210ce002f4fe53e8ce6d84e77df5a2319f9f00a8005"}}
# Connect to an existing database
connection = psycopg2.connect(user=config.get('pguser'),
cursor = connection.cursor(cursor_factory = psycopg2.extras.RealDictCursor)
print("PostgreSQL server information")
print(connection.get_dsn_parameters(), "\n")
# cursor.execute("SELECT version();")
# # Fetch result
# record = cursor.fetchone()
# print("You are connected to - ", record, "\n")
except (Exception, Error) as error:
print("Error while connecting to PostgreSQL", error)
# finally:
# if (connection):
# cursor.close()
# connection.close()
# print("PostgreSQL connection is closed")
# Get local users only
userquery = "SELECT nickname, fields FROM users WHERE nickname NOT LIKE '%@%';"
relays = [ "wss://" , "wss://" , "wss://", "wss://" ]
def get_json():
localusers = cursor.fetchall()
nostr = {}
nostr['names'] = {}
2023-03-06 13:02:52 +01:00
nostr['relays'] = {}
2023-03-06 12:34:26 +01:00
if localusers is not None:
for user in localusers:
if user['nickname'] == 'gvs':
if user.get('fields') is not None:
for field in user.get('fields'):
if field.get('name').lower() == 'nostr':
nostr['names'][user['nickname']] = field.get('value')
2023-03-06 13:02:52 +01:00
nostr['relays'][field.get('value')] = relays
2023-03-06 12:34:26 +01:00
2023-03-06 13:02:52 +01:00
# print(json.dumps(nostr))
2023-03-06 12:34:26 +01:00
return json.dumps(nostr)